Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More pics


I know, I know, he will kill us some day once he is a teenager for taking this picture. But, it is just too cute. This is one of his 6-7 month photos. Mandy Holloway is the photographer and she does such an awesome job. The pics below are also some that she took of him. At his last doc appt. he was 29.5 inches long (100%) and 24 lbs. 11 oz. ( more than 100%). So, he is a BIG boy.

Life's a Beach!!!

On Easter Sunday, we headed to Destin, Fl to spend the week with Sarah Beth (my mom), Aunt Winnie (my sister, Jennifer), and Baby Avery (Hudson's cousin). Hudson got a cold and was too sick to make it to the beach even though he looks perfectly healthy in the above photo. We had a great time. The weather was a little chilly but absolutely gorgeous. This photo was taken on the balcony of my parents' condo.


This is Hudson's first picture with the Easter Bunny. It looks like he is smiling on cue, but in actuality, I am underneath the camera tripod singing "Low" by none other than Flo-Rida. Yes, I did this in the middle of the mall in front of about 35 moms and their kids dressed in their Easter best. Classy right???

RSV, Fifth's Disease, Breathing Treatments...OH NO!!

Well, I have not been a good mommy blogger. But, in my defense since my last post, Hudson was diagnosed with RSV, Fifth's Disease, and another bad cold. So, it has been a busy time for us. This is a picture with Hudson and his new friend, the nebulizer. Hudson had to have breathing treatments for 2 weeks three times a day about a month ago. Last week while we were in Florida for Easter week, he came down with another bad cold. He is now on his second week of breathing treatments. NO FUNNNNNNN!